2023 Bridges Conference Art Exhibition
Emily Dennett
Emily Dennett
Upper School Mathematics and Computer Science Teacher
Mathematics and Computer Science Department, Columbus Academy
Gahanna, Ohio, USA
This year I've been creating patterns using minimal superpermutations. A superpermutation on n symbols is a string that contains each of the n! permutations of the n symbols in a contiguous substring. To create this piece of art, I first created a grid in which each row and column created a minimal superpermutation on four digits. I then used a 4 by 4 square to represent each digit. A minimal superpermutation on four digits is palindromic, which creates the symmetry seen in the finished work.

Minimal Superpermutation Square
32.5 x 32.5 cm
cotton embroidery thread on wood
I created this piece of art using a grid where each row and column is a minimal superpermutation on four symbols. Each symbol is represented by a 4 by 4 square set of stitches. I decided to create the design out of cross stitch to highlight the x pattern that emerges in the design. The minimal superpermutation on four symbols is palindromic, which creates symmetry in the finished piece.