2023 Bridges Conference Art Exhibition
Eve Torrence
I enjoy creating sculptures that allow me to share the beauty of geometry and topology with a general audience. I usually work with inexpensive materials, such as paper, felt, and craft foam, which allows me to evolve my pieces through many iterations. These materials also adapt well to workshops so I can share my discoveries and designs. I hope to communicate that mathematics is accessible and interesting to people who may have never had the opportunity to be inspired by mathematics.
The colorful part of this sculpture shows Heffter’s 1891 maximally complete 9-color map on a 3-hole torus. Heawood's formula says that every map on a genus-3 surface can be colored with at most nine colors. The map is complete since every colored region shares a boundary line with each of the other 8 regions. Heffter described this map using a table of numbers, making the structure hard to understand. The black and white tubes are attached to the 9-color map in 3 places, creating a genus-5 surface. These two additional regions each touch all the regions of Heffter's map. Any map on a genus-5 surface can be colored with at most 11 colors, hence the complete sculpture is a maximally complete 11-color map.