2023 Bridges Conference Art Exhibition
Jay Thakkar
Jay Thakkar
Senior Project Associate
Center for Creative Learning, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar
Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India
Jay Thakkar is a senior project associate at the Center for Creative Learning, IIT Gandhinagar. His interest is in making school mathematics engaging and inspiring using interdisciplinary approach. The Center has been working to transform STEM education in India and communicate Science and Maths in an engaging manner to the public since the last 7 years. It has conducted workshops for over 20,000 teachers and developed over 1000 activities and models and has reached over 5 lakh teachers and students. Also, the online programs have received an online viewership of over 2 crore.

Creating an image/portrait using various sized bindies (circles). In this version of pixel art, you can upload your image into the open-source software created by the author(s) to get the template of the art-piece. The user need to paste various size of bindies (size indicated by the number) on the template to complete the portrait. Given the easy and cheap access to bindies in India, it is an accessible Do It Yourself version of the pixel-art project. The image above shows the template (in left) for creating the image of the of Martin Gardner (output in right after pasting the bindies) using 1349 bindies of 3 different sizes.