
Jennifer E. Padilla


J. E. Padilla Studio

Altadena, California, USA


I express the beauty of mathematical abstraction and scientific inquiry through my art. From the perspective of a former researcher in nucleic acid and protein design, the subjects of symmetry, algorithmic assembly, and recursion remain central to my work. My research was focused on self-assembly of molecules, how the assembly process could be guided by symmetry, and how it could relate to computation. In my artwork, I like to explore connections between Islamic geometric design and topics ranging from Euclidean geometry to algorithmic assembly, quasiperiodic order, and other themes. Substitution tilings, such as the Penrose tiling, are a personal favorite for the visual connection that can be created with the concept of recursion.


Image for entry 'The Adventures of Three Substitution Tilings'

The Adventures of Three Substitution Tilings

17.0 x 50.0 x 50.0 cm



Three substitution tilings, the Penrose tiling, the binary tiling, and the Ammann-Beenker tiling, find their way across the pages of three accordion books. Along the way, they find their expression as Islamic geometric designs with multilevel design elements. A Penrose tiling of embossed rosettes reveals the rhomb tile shapes of its standard rhomb form. The binary tiling features alternate coloration of local 5-fold rotational symmetries, transitioning from its rhomb form to an Islamic geometric form across the pages. The Ammann-Beenker tiling finds its harmony with zellij patterns, having ever more complex designs superimposed over its local symmetries as they scale with its recursive structure.