2023 Bridges Conference Art Exhibition

Kenneth Brecher, Randy Rhine


Kenneth Brecher

Professor of Astronomy and Physics, Emeritus

Departments of Astronomy and Physics, Boston University

Boston, Massachusetts USA




KB is a physicist with interests and contributions to astronomy, physics, science education and history of science. He also has designed a wide range of dynamical objects, many of which have an artistic intent in their development. RR is a craftsman with the ability to turn novel ideas into wooden sculptures.


Image for entry 'Holey Roller'

Holey Roller

23.0 x 23.0 x 23.0 cm

laminated wood


Additional info

Single hoops have been designed for use as rolling toys for over two millennia. However, it was not until 1967 that anyone combined two hoops into a single object that can roll by meandering over a plane. The German designer Peer Clahsen invented many play objects that he collectively called “Objeux”. Amongst these is the object he variously called “Orbis” and/or “Sin”. We have designed (and one of us - RR – has fabricated) a larger more elaborate version of that object which, for obvious reasons, we call the “Holey Roller”. It produces a playful visage when it rolls upright and induces the “barber poll” illusion when set horizontally on a turntable and rotated. (That effect appears to have been first shown at the Exploratorium in 1973.)