
Kevin D. Lee

Instruction of Math/CSCI

Normandale Community College

Minneapolis, MN


For several years I have written software to create Escher-like tessellations. The goal of my program, TesselManiac!, is to have users (especially young ones) create tessellations and explore this connection of math and art. TesselManiac! allows you to create thirty-six types of isohedral tessellations. It includes several animations, including one where the tile morphs from a base polygon tile to the final shape.


Image for entry 'Square to Square, 3 Morphing TTTT Escher Tiles'

Square to Square, 3 Morphing TTTT Escher Tiles

23.0 x 83.0 x 0.06 cm

Maple and cherry wood, plywood, and rare-earth magnets


Additional info

I wanted to decorate the file drawers in my office with tessellations. I have been playing with morphing algorithms to morph from one tile shape to another. In this set of magnetic tiles I kept it simple by morphing between three Escher tessellations that are of symmetry group p1, and all started as squares. The tiles are decorated on both sides ss you can have it moving left to right, or the opposite direction.