
My Twirls are closed forms based on polyhedral structures and constructed with small parts. I give them personality through color, texture, and curves. They are infused with my feelings, the surrounding world, and the passage of time, which provide aesthetics and beauty. Conical spirals common for all of my Twirls create vortexes corresponding either to faces or to vertices of a polyhedron, depending on the interpretation of a specific structure. Every Twirl tells its own story about the day it was born, the paper, and the passion with which it was created. It has no self-awareness, but lives as part of my ego. Twirls behave as organic forms, using the tension and friction of paper to fight against external forces that seek to degrade them.


Image for entry 'Arabesque'


17.0 x 17.0 x 14.0 cm

paper, acryl


The paper elements combined in an unusual way convert a simple geometric form, truncated icosahedron, into a form referring to the Arabic culture heritage of the Iberian Peninsula.