2023 Bridges Conference Art Exhibition

Laura Marotta, Brian Redmond


Laura Marotta

Artist and Visual Arts Instructor

School of Applied Science and Technology, Fine Arts, Northwestern Polytechnic

Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada



Brian Redmond

Mathematics Instructor

School of Applied Science and Technology, Northwestern Polytechnic

Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada



Artist Laura Marotta and mathematician Brian Redmond share an interest in geometric constraint. In the fall of 2022, they began exploring how to translate theoretical forms into tangible objects through the materials and methods of contemporary sculpture. Their collaboration honours mathematical elegance and offers geometric inquiry as aesthetic, playful, and approachable for a wide audience.


Image for entry 'Left and Right'

Left and Right

23.0 x 46.0 x 23.0 cm

Acrylic, 3D printed resin and stainless steel screws.


Left and Right are pentagonal hexecontahedra, each consisting of 60 identical floret pentagonal faces. Developed using physical and digital prototyping methods and assembled from laser-cut acrylic and custom 3D printed joinery, these two convex polyhedra are distinct forms—a left-handed and right-handed version—that mirror each other. Their transparent skins allow viewers to see into the form and experience its negative space and bubble-like volume.