
Laura Taalman

Professor of Mathematics

Department of Mathematics & Statistics, James Madison University

Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA


Laura Taalman, a Professor of Mathematics at James Madison University, thoughtfully combines her research interests in knot theory, games, puzzles, patterns, 3D printing, and computational design in both her academic and artistic pursuits. Her creative projects are deeply inspired by mathematical structures, such as chaotic attractors, ideal spatial graph configurations, and optimally-rolling knots. Dr. Taalman's recent work centers on mathematical pattern generation within the domain of fiber arts, including knitting, crochet, and vintage punch card knitting machines. Her creations aim to achieve a balanced integration of technical skill, mathematical precision, and artistic creativity.


Image for entry 'Knit Knots'

Knit Knots

50.0 x 50.0 x 50.0 cm

Worsted weight knitted yarn stuffed with polyester fiber fill


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By creating large-scale soft sculptures, we are able to invite people to physically engage with mathematical knots and links. Viewing a small diagram or physical model of a knot can be limiting in terms of fully grasping its complexity and beauty; in contast, the friendly, huggable nature of these enormous knit knots invites exploration and play, encouraging deeper engagement with mathematical structures. These physical sculptures required very long tubes of knitted fabric which were knitted in segments with a vintage Brother KH-260 knitting machine and finished by hand. The form and tube-length of each knot was determined using published mathematical results on ideal ropelength and tight knot conformations.