
Ming Jang Chen

Retired Professor

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung Univgersity

Hsinchu, Taiwan


"Anyone can paint with math!" My research interests are cognition and teaching, mathematics education, and mathematics art and design. I teach a general education course on "Geometric Patterns" at the university. In addition to geometric patterns, I teach students how to design structures to draw pictures, grasp a lot of information, design beautiful patterns, and combine them with humanities. In landscape painting, I deconstructed Chinese hieroglyphs, combined several ellipses into a fractal generator, and designed landscape painting elements such as mountains, trees, clouds, and grass, so that students could use these elements to paint. Recently, I also developed set operations to design patterns, which is quite interesting.


Image for entry 'Blooms'


30.0 x 50.0 cm



The structure of the piece is a tessellation of regular polygons, which are further divided into right triangles; each triangle is then repeatedly inscribed with a triangle until the spirals are filled. In the contraction diagram of a right triangle, its transparent sides form a spiral curve. The closer to the center of the spiral, the more layered tones are formed. After a symmetrical arrangement, petals are formed, and flowers with three, four, and six petals are formed. At this time, among the main flowers, there are petals of different sizes, which are combined into various flowers, leaves, and butterflies. This is a garden full of spring and colorful flowers. With the black background as a foil, it stands out the night of the garden.