2023 Bridges Conference Art Exhibition
Rachel Quinlan
Rachel Quinlan
Senior Lecturer in Mathematics
School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Galway
Galway, Ireland
This work comprises four related origami tessellations, each folded from one sheet. They have recognizable similarities and clear differences - only one has 6-fold rotational symmetry, two have reflections and two do not. They represent four of the five plane periodic symmetry systems that include 3-fold rotations. All originate from a model of the fifth such pattern, the regular hexagonal tiling. The four models can be physically and reversibly interchanged, by adjusting the directions of existing pleats. The experience of folding them, and adjusting one to another, brings a physical immediacy to the geometric constraints that classify and distinguish the seventeen symmetry systems of plane tessellations, known as the wallpaper patterns.