

I seek patterns to make sense of my world. Some of these I choose to interpret as visual images. Occasionally I am able to develop means to summon these images into physical form as well.


Image for entry 'Knot Another One!'

Knot Another One!

45.0 x 45.0 x 1.0 cm

Nylon cord, wire


Additional info

This is a physical approximation of a pattern using 16 copies of a unit that I refer to as a “wedge squiggle” (where an isosceles triangle, a sequence and switching directions are used to construct a compound shape with interesting properties). Having recently learned to tat, I decided to try to represent a squiggle using tatting stitches. I did not use a shuttle in this case because I wanted to add in metal “spokes” along the core thread. The spokes can be thought of as forming sides of 22.5° (2π/16) wedges. The shape obtained by the sequence of 2,4,6,…,16 wedges fits almost entirely within a triangle whose least angle is 22.5° and 16 of them can fit together tightly, resulting in this 8-fold rotationally-symmetric pattern.