2023 Bridges Conference Art Exhibition
Robert Voorheis
Robert Voorheis
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
I am an artist based in Ann Arbor, MI, USA, specializing in algorithmically-generated digital works. This piece is the last laser-etched acrylic I made in early 2020, just before losing access to the laser cutter after my local makerspace closed due to the pandemic lockdowns. For me it represents my very last creative effort before a long period of social isolation. Much of my life was thrown into a strange chaos, and I later discovered that I failed to save the parameters that were used to generate the image.

Parameters Unknown 1
14.5 x 14.5 cm
Laser-etched Acrylic
An exploration of modular multiplication. Given two integers N and A, the vertices are all of the points (x, y) where x*y ≡ A modulo N. One may think of this in some sense, as a visualization of the Cayley table for the multiplicative group of integers modulo N.