2023 Bridges Conference Art Exhibition
Ross J. Cocks
Ross J. Cocks
Graduate Student
Mathematics & Statistics Department, University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
In 1918, Kazimir Malevich painted the renowned "White on White". For Malevich, this minimalistic geometry not only democratized the enjoyment of art, but it also provided a means for spiritual transcendence. "White On White, On White" on the other hand, attempts to perpetuate Malevich’s aspirations, while simultaneously suggesting that geometry and form need not be simplified for spiritual upliftment. Pure mathematical forms, no matter how complicated, can be enjoyed by all and induce spiritual transcendence. The depicted forms are intimately connected with each other; they are the Riemann Sphere and a hyperbolic helicoid that has been put through a Mobius transformation.