2023 Bridges Conference Art Exhibition
Samwell Guertin
“Fascinated by the natural world and its intricate patterns, I am always drawing inspiration from fractals found in living organisms and natural phenomena. Through my craft, I seek to discern and convey the secrets of nature's grand design. Guided instinctively by symmetry and repetition, my hands slowly conceive these meticulous sculptures into existence. “

Flower Stitch Research
8.0 x 11.0 x 11.0 cm
Glass Super-duo beads and glass size 11 seed beads
As a glass artist, I am passionate about exploring the principles of geometry in my work. I specialize in creating intricate, kinetic and tactile woven sculptures using a variety of shapes and sizes of glass beads. Through my experimentation, I have developed a unique technique called Flower Stitch, that utilizes beads with two holes and seed beads to create polyhedrons, plains and lattices. Using an isometric grid weaving approach, the flower stitch has opened up a new world of possibilities for my work. This group of 3 pieces fits together within the 50cm x 50cm exhibition space.