2023 Bridges Conference Art Exhibition
Saul Schleimer, Henry Segerman, Will Segerman
Henry Segerman
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA
Saul Schleimer
Reader in Mathematics
Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick
Coventry, United Kingdom
I am a geometric topologist, working at the University of Warwick. My other interests include combinatorial group theory and computation. I am especially interested in the interplay between these fields and additionally in visualisation of ideas from these fields.

Cannon-Thurston map for the complement of the figure-eight knot
30.0 x 42.0 x 0.3 cm
Three-axis CNC milling (with a 60 degree v bit) of multilayered coloured PVC plastic
The white and blue regions of this carving have a common boundary; this is our approximation of the Cannon-Thurston map: a space-filling curve. Using veering triangulations we give approximations that fill space more evenly than Thurston's algorithm, which suffers from the problem of "thin necks".
The space-filling curves of Peano and Hilbert (and many others) are artificially constructed. Those of Cannon and Thurston arise naturally in the study of hyperbolic three-manifolds. Each curve is canonically associated to a surface contained in a three-manifold. The curve and the space that it fills come from the boundaries at infinity of the universal covers of the surface and manifold.