2023 Bridges Conference Art Exhibition
Shiying Dong
I study algebraic topology by making things from yarn and clay. I grow mapping cylinders with yarn by seamlessly crocheting along complex ribbon graphs made from foundation chains. It is a magical experience to see the pieces reveal themselves gradually in my hands. It's as if I am flying in space with the crochet hook when it traces the boundaries.

20.0 x 40.0 x 20.0 cm
Wool, copper
Dance is a pair of pieces whose boundaries flow gracefully around the edges of nested polyhedra. Each piece is constructed using the seamless mapping cylinder method, with its foundation chain graph forming two concentric and connected layers. The outer layer of each consists of a dodecahedron connected to the inner layer -- respectively a dodecahedron and icosahedron -- via symmetry-preserving twists. The twists are chosen to produce two surfaces bounded by links consisting of ten (2,5)-torus knots and six (1,3)-torus knots. The knots intertwine in ways that manifest the chiral icosahedral symmetry.