2023 Bridges Conference Art Exhibition

Susan Gerofsky, Mike Naylor, Gerd Åsta Bones


Susan Gerofsky

Associate Professor of Mathematics Education

University of British Columbia

Vancouver, BC, Canada



Mike Naylor

Artist, COO DragonFjord Puzzles

DragonFjord Puzzles & Games

Vanvikan, Norway




Gerd Åsta Bones

CEO DragonFjord Puzzles

DragonFjord Puzzles & Games

Vanvikan, Norway




S: I love translating mathematical patterning across scales and artistic media, noticing affordances for embodied, imaginative mathematical understanding and design. G: I enjoy making many kinds of artwork -- laser-cut art and puzzles, mathematical quilts, digital art and more, making creations that can be used in many different ways so you never get tired of them! M: I create artwork based on mathematical structures that engage viewers to explore deeper and be rewarded with discovering surprising, satisfying connections. My artwork includes digital art, video, sculpture, music, poetry and literature, and puzzles and laser-cut artwork developed with my wife and partner, Gerd Åsta Bones, through our company DragonFjord Puzzles & Games.


Image for entry 'Winding & Unwinding the Wurzelschnecke'

Winding & Unwinding the Wurzelschnecke

50.0 x 50.0 x 6.0 cm

Laser-cut wood, spray paints


These laser-cut wooden sculptures, based on the Wurzelschnecke (Spiral of Theodorus) were made at Naylor & Bones' Dragonfjord Studios near Trondheim while Gerofsky was visiting. Susan shared a fascination with this spiral of right triangles that constructs the square roots of the natural numbers1. We made these variations: a convex and concave spiral staircase, and a kinetic double 'fishbones' that can be leaned left or right to create the enigmatic reverse Wurzelschnecke. We designed these new works to encourage others to play with these beautiful, intriguing forms. 1 S. Gerofsky, S.B. Robertson, V. Jungic. Exploring the Wurzelschnecke. Proceedings of Bridges 2021. https://archive.bridgesmathart.org/2021/bridges2021-383.html#gsc.tab=0