
Recently I started integrating my long standing interest in mathematical art with the form of the book. My first mathematical artist's book was based on a fractal folding designed by Robert Fathauer; my second is based on a folded hyperbolic plane structure designed by Susan Happersett. I am currently working on an ongoing mathematical book-art project called Net Gain in which thirty artists are experimenting with geometric nets in collaboration with Maddy Rosenberg of CENTRAL BOOKING in Brooklyn, New York. Books are like bodies with minds in that the interior is full of ideas that are only revealed through interaction. Handling a book with an unusual geometric structure creates a intimate experience of geometry.


Image for entry 'WORK'


10 x 10 x 20 cm

Paper, bookboard, ink


The pages of the artist's book WORK are formed from seven hexagons connected irregularly to form a folded hyperbolic plane. Once opened, this book will not lie flat no matter how it is manipulated. Each hexagon is stamped with the word “WORK” twenty-four times per page, once for each hour of the day. The hyperbolic structure was designed by mathematical artist Susan Happersett. The inserts are vintage circular technical charts intended for recording instruments and all intervals represent units of time such as hours, days or weeks. The charts are inscribed with the words "work" and "worry" referring to the anxiety caused by compulsive diligence.