2024 Bridges Conference Fashion Show
Adam Rowe
Adam Rowe often makes serigraph prints based off of his artwork. A handful of these have made it onto fabric and are usually unique pieces intended to be worn by the artist at an opening reception.
right sleeve: lattice pattern
left sleeve: lattice background
in nature, levitating object

unit tile for the design
About the look
shirt for holding triangular lattice sculpture
sublimated dye on polyester
This piece features a multi-layered triangular pattern designed to tile the plane as well as regular deltahedra. Intended to be worn while holding an octahedral sculpture based on the same pattern, the garment also serves as a backdrop for emphasizing the held object while offering a flattened view of the layered components.
Sublimation printed on polyester / elastane, the sleeves feature deconstructed details of the background and foreground lattices.