2024 Bridges Conference Fashion Show
Helena Verrill and Tobias Schlichting
Helena Verrill
Teaching fellow
Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick
Coventry, England
This design illustrates a method of producing the Sierpinski triangle as the limit of an L-system, describing the triangle in the form of a curve. This is discussed in Helena's 2024 Bridges paper. The figure shows a sequence of successive iterations of the procedure for creating the Sierpinski triangle via this method. At each stage, to get to the next stage, each line segment is replaced by a configuration resembling half a hexagon. These are drawn on alternating sides of the segments. To produce a physical art work, a Javascript program produced svg output, used to laser cut a stencil. The fabric was spray painted with gold fabric paint. The iteration with most detail was embroidered over for extra clarity.

About the look
Sierpinski trousers
Black denim, with gold fabric spray paint and embroidery thread