2024 Bridges Conference Fashion Show
Melissa Schumacher
Melissa Schumacher
Olympia, Washington, USA
I learned to crochet in grad school and continue to use it as a creative outlet and a way to relax. I like expressing mathematical patterns with crochet because I can create the surface stitch by stitch and literally get a feel for the math. This scarf was created through interlocking crochet, where two crochet surfaces are created simultaneously and weave in and out of each other.

The two "sides" of the Möbius scarf, showing that the color of the hexagons on one side is the background color of the other side.
Photographed by the artist.

The modeled scarf.
Modeled by the artist; hair and lack of makeup by the artist. Photographed by Vincent Schumacher.
About the look
Color-reversed Möbius strip scarf
yarn (Cascade 220 Superwash)