2024 Bridges Conference Fashion Show
Jhonnatan Ortega Betancourt, Sourabh Garg and Professor Gloriana Gonzalez Rivera
Sourabh Garg
PhD Student in Curriculum and Instruction
College of Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Illinois, USA
As a team of three math education researchers, we share a common mission to transform the perception of math for children, making it engaging and meaningful beyond rote calculations. We recognized fashion as a powerful medium to engage students in math thinking, and decided to dive in the experience themselves. Inspired by the captivating asymmetry of Penrose tessellations, we brainstormed ideas and experimented with different concepts. While our initial plan involved using LED lights, we ultimately chose glow-in-the-dark ink to reveal intricate patterns on our T-Shirt. The small team engaged with a larger team of 8 people in multiple iterations of prototyping and sought feedback to refine our design to its current stage. The choice of textile and colors was strategic, with visual communication as our top priority. For the base color of the T-shirt, we selected our university's orange jersey color. We color-coded the shapes of the Penrose patterns—kite and dart—to blue and yellow, creating a visually appealing contrast that highlights the patterns within patterns. Furthermore, we used the ink to reveal a completely different pattern based on the same shapes, adding depth and intrigue to our design.

Daylight vs dark
Model: Jhonnatan Ortega
About the look
The Math party t-shirt
Cotton textiles (Orange, blue, yellow and black), glow-in-dark ink