Mathematics is a journey of discovery, and so is art.
Both math and art rely on creativity, problem-solving skills, and the ability to see things in new ways. Geometry is the study of shapes and space. Artists use geometry to create perspective, design balanced and symmetrical compositions, or use patterns found in Nature and studied in mathematics to incorporate rhythm, movement, and harmony in their work. Interpreting the language of mathematics to develop new visualizations is both inspiring and gratifying.
The following entries are such examples: one is inspired by the study of minimal surfaces, and the other is part of a larger project on prime numbers and their connection to other areas of investigation.
Relationship between prime number 127, a hexagon, and a polytope. A hexagon can be used to construct a 127-cell, a seven-dimensional polytope. From a 2D regular tesselation to emerging polytopes – this visualization inspired by the prime number 127, celebrates the transition from a two-dimensional hexagonal surface to a higher-dimensional polytope and highlights the harmonious interconnection and continuity of mathematical spaces. Extracted from an ongoing 52 illustration research project on prime numbers.
A Klein bottle is a non-orientable surface. It has only one side and no boundaries. The surface is non-orientable, and it can be immersed in three-dimensional space.
I accentuated the smooth sea shell-looking texture of the surface, laying it on a fuzzy, sandy background to bring up this unlikely rendering of a shape more often studied on a blackboard than at the bottom of the ocean.
Klein bottles are a fascinating example of how mathematics can be used to create new and interesting geometric shapes. They also remind us of the complexity of the universe.
This illustration was extracted from a 52 illustrations research project called "Minimal Surfaces", available @