2024 Joint Mathematics Meetings
Jeffrey Ventrella
Jeffrey Ventrella
Algorithmic Artist
Petaluma, California, USA
I am an artist who discovered true math later in life after failing math 001 as a subject in college. Many of my creative works can be seen at ventrella.com. Here are some videos I've made: https://vimeo.com/737180622 https://vimeo.com/275016027 https://vimeo.com/jeffreyventrella

I have been developing a series of artworks called "Koch Burning". I started this series after discovering that a fractal curve I evolved (using a genetic algorithm) had the famous Koch Curve hidden inside a swirl of crossing lines that looked like smoke. The Koch Curve can be understood as a primitive that shows up in more complex fractal curves (kind of like how the Mandelbrot Set shows up in images of higher-order equations...like a universe inside a universe). Burning the Koch Curve is a metaphor for deconstructing and subverting cliche icons. Although interesting in itself, the Koch Curve can be cracked open to reveal a bigger picture.

This is a space-filling curve I evolved using an interactive genetic algorithm I designed. Fractal generators with variable-length segments cascade into scaling self-similarity. In this curve, the scaling factor is related to the square root of three. If you squint your eyes, you can see overall wavy curves. These are completely emergent - not predictable from any information in the generator. The two domains carved by this curve are filled with different colors. I added shading for a 3D effect.