
Jingxuan Hou


Santa Clara University



Picture in your mind a vibrating drumhead in 3D space. What images have unfolded in your vision? Now, capture a moment so that the drumhead, when enlarged, appears as a jelly-like shape. Try painting the surface with colors and textures. What do you see? I used Bessel functions to model these vibrations and created a collage as shown. The patterns on the surfaces possess rotational symmetries, which I displayed as top views on the left. In the top row, can you see that I used a photograph of sushi as the source image? The second row was based on patterns on my fabric fan. The third was from a beautiful vase. Think of how color pixels from a photograph were patterned into these lovely artforms, with sheer math. Isn't it magical?


Image for entry 'Collage of Nine Bessel Wave Surfaces'

Collage of Nine Bessel Wave Surfaces

20.32 x 20.32 cm

Rhino Grasshopper 3D


Additional info

Picture in your mind a vibrating drumhead in 3D space. What images have unfolded in your vision? Now, capture a moment so that the drumhead, when enlarged, appears as a jelly-like shape. Try painting the surface with colors and textures. What do you see? I used Bessel functions to model these vibrations and created a collage as shown. The patterns on the surfaces possess rotational symmetries, which I displayed as top views on the left. In the top row, can you see that I used a photograph of sushi as the source image? The second row was based on patterns on my fabric fan. The third was from a beautiful vase. Think of how color pixels from a photograph were patterned into these lovely artforms, with sheer math. Isn't it magical?