2024 Joint Mathematics Meetings
silviana amethyst
silviana amethyst
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Eau Claire, Wisconsin, USA
My work is driven my finding boundaries -- of machines, of computers, of numbers, of objects. My primary mathematical subject is algebraic surfaces, using software of which I am the primary author, called Bertini_real. My main media are plastic via extrusion-based 3d printing, and digital renders through a variety of software including Matlab, Python, and Blender.

This nested rainbow view of twenty decimated compact pieces of the Barth Sextic invites me to look inward. I computed the model with Bertini_real and rendered the scene in Blender as a draft of a physical piece I'd like to make in the future. Each outer copy is twice the scale of its predecessor. The spectrum of colors and shadows stands against forces in my life which demand conformation and compliance, and the ascending and descending telescopic sequence reminds me that my choices have impact beyond my immediate environment. Connections between pieces are mere points, reminding me of the impossibility of most of my dreams. I must approximate my vision as best my tools, environment, and current skill allow.