2025 Joint Mathematics Meetings
Anduriel Widmark
Anduriel Widmark
Denver, Colorado, USA
Art is a good excuse to play. Play is a fun way to try on new realities. Exploring patterns and symmetry through abstraction presents an opportunity to look outside of a regular pattern of seeing. Relationships between underlying forces exemplify the inseparability of structure and narration. Structures and voids organize a lattice around these distinctions and connections.

Sigma Star 24-Line Knot
15.0 x 15.0 x 15.0 cm
Flame worked borosilicate glass
"Sigma Star 24-Line Knot" is a glass sculpture based on the Sigma* invariant cubic rod packing arrangement. The Sigma Star arrangement fills approximately 15.2 percent of space when extended infinitely and can be created by removing eight of the nine rods from a hexastix arrangement. The sculpture is crafted from 24 glass rods, joined into a knot with 4 twists and 20 loops.

Hemistix 24-Line Knot
12.0 x 12.0 x 12.0 cm
Flame worked borosilicate glass
"Hemistix 24-Line Knot" is a glass sculpture based on the hemistix rod packing arrangement. The hemistix arrangement fills approximately 29.45 percent of space when extended infinitely. A combination of the two chiral variants of hemistix forms a tetrastix. The sculpture is crafted from 24 glass glass rods, joined into a knot with 3 twists and 21 loops.