2025 Joint Mathematics Meetings
Frank A. Farris
Frank A. Farris
Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science
Santa Clara University
San Jose, CA
My hope is to help others to see mathematics in new ways, sometimes inspired by technology, sometimes by the mathematics itself. For this work, I discovered that Geogebra, a wonderful tool for exploring geometry, can export images in postscript code that allows me to play with vector graphics, not just bitmaps. This year, the Problem of Apollonius came up in another project and I decided to offer some examples of what it looks like to find the eight (or fewer) circles that are tangent to three given circles, using conic sections as a tool. Artists and number theorists have made amazing works with Apollonian circles packings, where the starting point is three mutually tangent circles; I enjoyed illustrating some of the other possible cases.

The Problem of Apollonius: A Rhapsody on Tangency
51.0 x 61.0 cm
Digital print on aluminum