2025 Joint Mathematics Meetings
Richard Hammack
Richard Hammack
Professor of Mathematics
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, Virginia, USA
My recent work is a mixture of printmaking, publishing and pedagogy. I make small-scale paper constructions that can be quickly printed in large quantities on an office copier, then scored, cut, folded, glued and assembled. In the past two years I've been exploring the mathematics and craft of pop-up mechanisms.

The Hypercube Pop-Up Book
20.0 x 13.5 x 3.5 cm
laser printed card stock and glue
This pop-up book is a visual introduction to Euclidean higher-dimensional space and hypercubes. Pitched to a general audience, it is a prototype of a book that I hope to publish. Its 13 pages and 20 pop-up and pull-tab mechanisms guide the viewer/reader to an understanding of the tesseract and higher-dimensional cubes.