2025 Joint Mathematics Meetings
Robert Fathauer
Robert Fathauer
Apache Junction, Arizona, USA
My work explores the mathematics of symmetry, knots, fractals, tessellations and more, blending it with plant and animal forms as well as inorganic forms found in nature. This synthesis allows me to create innovative prints and sculptures that derive their beauty from a combination of complexity and underlying order. My goal is to use mathematics in my work in a manner that is compelling to those who understand it but does not serve as an impediment to those who don't.

Cubic Squeeze
14.0 x 14.0 x 14.0 cm
The starting point for this piece was a cube. The distortion, which creates an impression of squeezing along three axes simultaneously, is based on a graphic design by Ghee Beom Kim.

Hyperbolic Helicoid Form
18.0 x 34.0 x 30.0 cm
This sculpture is based on a mathematical object known as a hyperbolic helicoid, which is an infinite helicoid depicted with hyperbolic geometry. Graphics by Roice Nelson provided a helpful guide for this piece.