
Alyssa Tang

Student Artist

Proof School

Piedmont City, California, USA


As an artist studying the craft of paper manipulation and an avid math lover, I enjoy communicating elegant mathematical concepts through beautiful paper sculptures. My paper sculpture plays with arches, using geometry concepts to explore and visualise multiple arches rotated around an axis. In my piece, I have utilized tools such as Silhouette Studio and Adobe Illustrator to create precise cuts on paper. This has allowed me to create smaller arches, which are then connected to be transformed into a mesmerizing piece of art.


Image for entry 'Twisting Curves'

Twisting Curves

15.0 x 15.0 x 15.0 cm



When I first learned about solids of revolution in calculus class, I began to experiment with how certain shapes might look rotated around an axis. This idea inspired me to create a paper sculpture out of arches, utilizing geometry concepts to represent arches rotated around an axis. The pleated pattern of the paper and the curves makes the sculpture appear to twist and warp, hence the name "Twisted Curves".