Davide Prete
Assistant Professor of Art
College of Art and Sciences, University of the District of Columbia
Washington DC, USA
My research explores the aesthetic qualities of lattice structures that fill various forms, meshes, or surfaces. These structures can take on different patterns and shapes, ranging from periodic to stochastic, and can be modeled using beams, plates, or Triply Periodic Minimal Surfaces (TPMS). Using advanced software, I create sculptures to examine their aesthetic response, considering factors like symmetry, transparency, and cultural significance.

One key aspect is the relationship between lattice structures and the forms they fill. For example, in "Noble Woman," the lattice interacts harmoniously with the external volume, creating a dynamic dialogue. Careful consideration of lattice dimensions ensures they complement the sculpture's overall form. I pay attention to symmetry and light play, exploring the cultural significance and functional elegance of lattice structures across different scales and applications.