I have always been fascinated with line drawings and silhouettes. How could something two-dimensional convey a sense of emotion and personality? Also, a line drawing can convey the illusion of depth. Further, a two-dimensional drawing can be mapped to a 3D surface and when successful it can convey a sense of the shape of the surface—the third dimension. I often use sequences of images and animation to convey a transformation of one drawing into another. I seek to use textures to create mathematical art that has an artistic feel. This is my first venture into sculpture. The sculpture can be held and examined from different angles. The sculpture and its shadows can be photographed.

A "laser cut" of silhouette that transforms into its negative space, and the silhouette emerges as the negative space. It uses the techniques developed in the paper "Drawing with Statistics" that I presented at the Bridges Conference in Halifax in the summer of 2023. By using a wooden cutout, which is the negative space and which is the positive space becomes ambiguous. On one side of the object, the cutout of the silhouette is on the left and as you move to the right the cutout surrounds the silhouette and the silhouette is the wood. On the other side of the object the relationship reverses. When placed on a windowsill the cutouts are light and the wood is dark during the day and the reverse at night. The cutouts cast shadows.