
My works are different. May be abstract like pure beauty or have organic form. Or reside somewhere between the order of the geometric structure and the chaos of folding. Sometimes the mathematical structure is easily visible, sometimes it doesn't exhibit outside, but for sure it exists inside. Sometimes the structure become more complex during the construction as spirals create additional polygons. I am sure that without mathematics my works would not exist. For me the mathematics is a way of thinking, a way of seeing the world, a way to understand the universe. l always arrange paper into a mathematical structure with a passion for seeing, understanding, and creating!


Image for entry 'Reversing Fall Rapids (K24001)'

Reversing Fall Rapids (K24001)

15.0 x 15.0 x 15.0 cm



The work is based on a transformed network of squares. First I transformed eight 4-nodes into 3-nodes and the infinite network collapsed into a finite surface. When paper was added twirled nodes sunk into deepness and other emerged on the waves. Building a scenery resembling Reversing Fall Rapids I admired when came to Canada for Bridges 2023.
Image for entry 'The End of the Year (K22146)'

The End of the Year (K22146)

18.0 x 22.0 x 22.0 cm



The end of the year is the time when we wrap up old things and start new ventures, we close good things and bad things, planned affairs and unexpected events. The colors reflect the strong emotions that accompany me at the end of a year when I pass from the old to the new. And the work is also both expected and unexpected. I started from a simple structure of Icosidodecahedron, but unexpectedly the natural process of assembly of the work transformed the form and led me through Rhombicosidodecahedron to the final form of Rectified Rhombicosidodecahedron.