Bridges 2024 Exhibition of Mathematical Art, Craft, and Design
Richard M. Harrington
Richard M. Harrington
North Adams, Massachusetts, USA
This artwork in particular is a synthesis of math and art in a form that resembles the texture of a camouflage pattern or the fracture pattern of a schist or gneiss. The texture pattern projection is an isodipole texture that was used by Drs. Bela Julesz and Jonathan D. Victor of Weill Cornell Medical College in experiments trying to explain human perception of texture. One of my closest friends Professor Stephen Luecking who is no stranger to the Bridges audience has said this of my work, I think he expresses my intentions extremely well: "The searchlight of consciousness attempting to define the deeper patterns of the mind."

Stellated Dodecahedron and Isodipole projection
54.0 x 54.0 x 54.0 cm
Folded hardware cloth and light projection