
Sara Clark

Professional Artist; Retired Adjunct and Affiliate Graduate Professor of Fine Arts

Virginia Commonwealth University and Virginia Museum of Fine Arts

Richmond, Virginia, USA


My body of work focuses on the reality and life of mental objects. The unseen masquerade as the seen, not only in the mind's eye but as an immediate visual experience. To realize this, I choreograph a range of forms and present them in a variety of environments. I derive the forms from the fields of science and mathematics, specifically geometry and topology. Topology is a branch of mathematics where fundamental forms are bent, folded, and stretched in order to study their qualitative features. These features reflect aspects of physical space, dimension, and transformation. I use this visual vocabulary and modification process to actualize the aesthetics of models of thought.


Image for entry 'Hidden Variables'

Hidden Variables

60.96 x 76.2 cm

Oil on canvas


In “Hidden Variables”, I manipulated a Seifert surface and positioned it with elements of a bar graph, scatter plot, and area chart. My presentation of a hypothetical construct is an approach to explore possible configurations and merits of topological forms.
Image for entry 'Navigator'


60.96 x 76.2 cm

Oil on canvas


This work, “Navigator”, is also a modified and stylized Seifert surface. It is situated in an environment containing symbols of bar graphs, an area chart, and a legend. By coupling forms with elements relating to scientific rigor, I want to show that mathematics, imagination, and aesthetics are important tools of investigation and discovery.