I grow mapping cylinders with yarn by seamlessly crocheting along ribbon graphs made from foundation chains. Choosing the foundation chain graph is the most creative part of a project for me. When the final piece slowly grows and reveals its form with a little of my help, it feels like magic. I also enjoy the precision of a laser cutter.
This is a family of five crocheted surfaces that are all nonorientable. Starting from the top-left and counting clockwise, they have genus 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Moreover, their boundary components are 1, 4, 0, 2, and 3.
This piece is similar to my winning entry to the Einstein Mad Hat Competition, which was hosted by Momath and UK Maths Trust in 2023. In this piece, a pyramid is constructed on top of the hat tile. The apex of the pyramid is uniquely chosen so that it is projected to the hexagon vertex inside the tile, and all the angles around the apex add up to 360 degrees, which allows the pyramid to be made without any gluing along the side edges.