Zoe Keramea
Athens, Greece
In all my work I deal with the manipulation of surfaces; they are overlain, enfolded into themselves, cut or even tied in knots. I explore the play between surface and space. I like to provoke the viewers to engage with the work and I encourage them to handle the work or participate in the making. Paper as an enfolded surface is the primary material; I use it to print, to draw, I fold it into 3D modular units which I sew together to form sculptural works, I fold it and cut it, and sometimes I make stencils for ceramics. Many of the works can exist in multiple states and they can radically change according to how they are displayed such as leporello books, brainteaser limited editions or flexible modular sculptures.

Boxes - a work in two states, six pairs
10.5 x 10.5 x 5.0 cm
Offset printed Aqaba paper after I painted and scratched the images directly onto film.